Oslac's Odyssey

By S.E. Ney

Elevator pitch

I was at a small, local (less than ten minutes away) convention, wearing a t-shirt promoting G.R.A.I. Matters (hey! You take whatever opportunities are presented!) Several commented and asked what the books are about, with one artist asking me for the ‘elevator pitch’. For a series like Oslac’s Odyssey, that’s not easy. After muddling through I got home and decided to write one for future reference.

So, if you’re wondering if this series is for you, here’s a summary of what it’s about.

The multiverse, wherein mortal creatures exist, is a program. At a higher level – called Oestragar – there are beings of energy called Eternals. They cannot be destroyed, can create whatever they want, and be whatever they want. Sounds great but, after a few billion years of living without consequences, their existence became tedious. To combat this, the Eternals availed themselves of the opportunities presented by the ‘computer’ (it’s complicated) that holds the programs, which they call Omskep. Using this, and with the support of Almega – an Eternal who always remains behind to watch over them and ensure they’re properly inserted into and retrieved from what they call ‘training sessions’ – the Eternals experience worlds and lives within the multiverse. Here they can live and love, be hurt – both physically and mentally – and they’re mortal, completely unaware of their true status. Time is limited within the programs and there’s much to do. What shall they be? Humans dealing with corruption? Dragons exploring their world? Super-intelligent rats seen as food for invading arthropods? Pangolin-shelled creatures that can translocate to anywhere they can see? Shapeshifters? Otter-like creatures trying to escape enslavement? There is nothing they cannot do or be but, without their powers as Eternals or even an awareness of their true nature, it’s not always easy. And then, of course, occasionally Omskep goes wrong.


This is Oslac’s Odyssey, a science-fiction series where the characters can go anywhere, any when, and be anything.