About The Author
S. E. Ney was a teacher for 37 years, working at The University of Durham (Post-graduate tutor), University of Leeds (Teaching Fellow), University of Michigan-Flint (Visiting Prof) as well as UK colleges (Alton and Henley) and in the Welfare to Work sector. Having decided enough was enough, she decided to move to her other passion, writing.
She has been writing for personal pleasure since she was ten years old, and has published academically on time travel and women in SF TV. This is her first foray into published fiction and, since her brother is SF-Fantasy book cover artist Tim White, it made sense to write within the genre she was raised in.
She has been a fan of SF since she was 4 years old (distinctly remembering Timeslip which was aired once in 1970) and has been fascinated by time travel for as long as she can remember. Her PhD, on The Logical Possibility of Time Travel can be found under Durham E-theses http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/1025/
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